I hope every woman in this country, whether they agree with Roe or they disagree with Roe, whether they themselves would make one decision or another, will come together and say: Prochoice means that the Government respects the individual, and isn’t that really what our country is all about?~Senator Barbara Boxer

Today is the 35th anniversary of one of the most important legal decisions for women in our country, and one well worth taking time to acknowledge. Unfortunately it’s quite easy to be lulled into a false sense of security that Roe v. Wade will always hold firm, but there are many people opposed to a woman’s constitutional right to privacy and to her right to make her own decisions regarding her health and safety. We must remain vigilant against the chipping away of women’s rights by anti-choice groups and their ability to work their viewpoints into our government and legal system. Happy Anniversary, women!

From Planned Parenthood:

35th Anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court Roe v. Wade Decision

The 35th anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court Roe v. Wade decision, legalizing abortion nationwide, is one of the most powerful reminders that the struggle to protect women’s health and safety continues. Reproductive freedom is still a political target for extremists, and the battle isn’t just being waged over abortion, but over access to contraception and medically accurate sex education.The best way to reduce the number of unintended pregnancies is to make contraception accessible and affordable and provide young people with comprehensive sex education that helps them make responsible decisions about their reproductive health.

To commemorate 35 years since Roe, the Planned Parenthood Action Fund, Planned Parenthood’s advocacy and political arm, is launching a One Million Strong Campaign to mobilize people who care about women’s health and get one million people to the polls in 2008.

With One Million Strong, Planned Parenthood Action Fund will

  • make women’s health issues a campaign priority for all the candidates
  • and defeat ballot initiatives in communities across America

Visit the Planned Parenthood Action Fund website today to find out more about how you can become involved and join the campaign.

For more information background on Roe v. Wade and its impact over the past 35 years, refer to the links below: