As you can see, I haven’t hauled my patootie over here in quite some time, so I must REALLY feel strongly about posting the Treehuggers International 2010 Voting Guide, if I’m willing to wrack my brain to remember my password to get into my WordPress account.  Yup, I’m just about THAT lazy.

Tommy Hough (of Treehuggers International, FM94.9, and my favorite radio show “Brunch with Bob and Friends“) does the thoughtful research and thinking I should do all the time, and someone whose opinion I pretty much trust without a doubt, based on what I’ve known of him over the past years.  His essays on many of the races and propositions cut to the chase and lay truth out there for all to see, in no uncertain terms. This is one of the things I like best about Tommy, on air and in his writing–his ability to speak to you on just about anything, with a depth of understanding on countless subjects, without making you feel like he comes from a place of higher understanding than you do. He’ll impart his wisdom upon you, leave you with some great key phrases to help make the point, and have you moving right along to share your newfound knowledge with anyone and everyone, whether they want to listen or not. (Pretty much how I operate anyway.)

I urge you to not only take the time to read the voting guide and the essays (snippets below), but to spread the word about them via any social media you can, and the good old-fashioned way: Person to person. Thanks, Tommy!

Regarding Meg Whitman and the race for governor

“We’ve had several moderate friends and colleagues wonder aloud the last few weeks, if someone spends their own money like this, how do you expect them to spend your money? Note to CEOs with money to burn: getting rich doesn’t make you a genius, and you don’t run government like a business because, sheesh, do we have to spell it out? Government is not a business.”

Regarding U.S. Representative, 49th District, Darrell Issa

“Never mind his investigations would center around a lot of Whitewater-style nonsense, it’s designed to tie up members of the Obama administration with lawyers and investigations over their heads, and keep them from focusing on their jobs. Issa has admitted on media outlets from Real Time With Bill Maher to Fox News he is relishing the moment he gets to stick his investigative powers into a White House which has already demonstrated a willing transparency and openness which would have shut off Dick Cheney’s pacemaker. Don’t like the sound of this? Then vote for Howard Katz in the 49th.”

Regarding Prop. 19 (legalizing marijuana)

“Want to get the jump on hemp, which could be a banner renewable industry for California? Make marijuana legal and use hemp for the same purpose it was used for in the U.S. for centuries: clothes and rope. Want to take the thrill out of smoking marijuana? Make pot legal and tax the heck out of it.

For those of you who believe marijuana is a gateway drug, guess again. Alcohol is and always has been the ultimate gateway drug, ruining lives daily as it continues to be blissfully legal. At its worst, pot renders its users hungry, playing video games, and listening to Incubus.”

Regarding Prop. 25 (replace the two-thirds majority to pass state budgets with a simple 51% majority)

“The budget process in California is contentious enough without the two-thirds majority requirement. Prop. 25 would scrap it, enabling a 51% majority to pass a budget or enable a majority, and would also force lawmakers to forfeit pay for every day they fail to produce a budget after June 15th. At first we thought the last bit of the proposition was petty, but then we learned business groups and corporations are financing the opposition to Prop. 25, and apparently they feel they have the most to lose. Yes on Prop. 25.”

Happy Birthday, my fellow Americans! Whether we agree on politics, religion, civil rights, equality, war, and the myriad of issues we have the good fortune to be able to FREELY agree/disagree upon within our borders, today WE ALL SHARE our country’s birth, so let’s toss back a cold one, remember our history, improve our present, look forward to our future, and blow out some candles.

Three years ago Candye Kane allowed me to post a great commentary she’d written on what being an American means to her, so I thought I’d share it again for those of you who hadn’t read it, and as a great reread for those who already had. Enjoy!

MUST READ: Candye Kane’s Incredible 4th of July Thoughts on Being an American (7/4/07) Read the rest of this entry »

So much for getting over here and posting each day during the 21-Day Vegan Kickstart…oops! Thankfully I’ve not had that problem staying vegan over the past 5 days. As I’ve said before, my diet was pretty much 95% vegan already, with the only non-vegan items in my diet being the dairy-related items in some items I loved, such as Morningstar veggie bacon and sausage (egg whites in them, although they DO have great vegan options). And I’d have to say that my core, my beliefs, what guides me, has been vegan for far more years than I’ve even been vegetarian (almost 17 years veggie) in regard to sharing my life and our world with our fellow sentient beings. I think most people who aren’t vegan, or veggie for that matter, don’t realize that being vegan isn’t JUST about a diet change, it’s about the choices we make with respect to our environment and those we share it with.

Easy Bean Dip and Oven-Baked Tortilla Chips, from 21-Day Vegan Kickstart, as well as a spinach salad with Trader Joe's Goddess dressing

While I haven’t followed the daily menu from PCRM for the Kickstart, I have been eating foods I either got from their menu last time (when I did the Kickstart in January), most of which are on this Kickstart, too, as well as eating whole wheat pastas, grains, and veggies that I learned to keep stocked in the pantry/fridge via January’s Kickstart. And each workday starts with steel-cut oatmeal with a banana, some almonds, and pure maple syrup or blue agave…YUM!

Here’s today’s message, and oddly enough today’s menu  is pretty much what I’d already been planning on having–especially the Buckwheat Blueberry Pancakes, which were an INSTANT classic/fave for me when I first tried them in January. Love, love, LOVE them!

You’re almost a week into the Kickstart! You must be feeling the results of a cholesterol-free low-fat diet. See what today’s message has in store for you.

Ironman Triathlete Brendan Brazier shares his knowledge about diet and endurance.
What’s the deal with vitamin D?
Watch the Cancer Project’s “Veggie Hunter” public service announcement.
Learn about protein for athletes.
Today’s Menu:

  • Breakfast: Blueberry Buckwheat Pancakes and Facon Bacon
  • Lunch: Easy-Bean Dip with Oven-Baked Tortilla Chips and a side salad
  • Dinner: Easy Stir-Fry with Always Great Brown Rice
  • Dessert: Chocolate raspberry mousse

All signs are pointing to the body found today on the shore of Lake Hodges, as being that of missing San Diego County teen, Chelsea King, with the Chelsea King Search Center Facebook page posting this afternoon, “Chelsea’s body has been confirmed.”  She went missing after going for a solo jog on February 25th, and over 4,000 caring individuals had helped search for her. Tonight there was a previously planned candlelight vigil, once intended to bring attention to Chelsea and the search for her, but tonight it took on a whole new meaning for the thousands in attendance (including Chelsea’s family) with the heart-wrenching news of the day. SDNN posted a photo gallery from tonight’s vigil.

I can’t even imagine what Chelsea’s parents, her brother, and friends are going through, because I know how I’m feeling upon hearing the news. My heart goes out to everyone feeling the loss tonight. Rest in peace, Chelsea.

I’m trying to stick with my goal of posting each day of the 21-Day Vegan Kickstart, but I’m sooooo pooped out tonight and just don’t have it in me to spend time and non-existent energy on a lengthy post.  I do have it in me to share with you a really yummy item I ran across while going through vegan cookbooks recently with my 7 year-old nephew. I’m pretty sure it was from Vegan Family Favorites: Tasty And Satisfying Recipes Even Your Kids Will Love, but not absolutely certain since we were looking through many cookbooks. It was for a vegan “honey” mustard and couldn’t have been simpler or tasted better. (Btw, if you’re new to veganism you might not realize that honey is NOT vegan. Read more here.)

I put all the ingredients in a Good Seasons cruet I have, shook it up good, then popped it in the fridge along with other condiments.  It’s great on my Tofurky sandwiches, tossed some on quinoa, and used it on my Boca burger tonight.  Gotta love a good quickie that packs such a punch. (Yes, you can read into that WHATEVER you’d like! ;))

PS So much for a quick blog…took about 30 minutes since I included a bunch of links.

It’s right around the corner, kiddos. Tomorrow begins twenty-one days of better health, tastier food, and surprising yourself with what you can create–I promise! The picture above is actually on your menu for tomorrow: Hoppin’ John Salad. Yup, I made it, uh-huh, you know it, and DARN if it wasn’t delicious! More on that after today’s 21-Day Vegan Kickstart email (you can still sign up): Read the rest of this entry »

To start off, check out today’s video message to help you “get started” for your new adventure!

When I did the 21-Day Vegan Kickstart in January, I had wished for a more comprehensive list of food items to have in order to be prepared for the program.  They provide a list of ‘staples’ to stock up on, but quite honestly I didn’t find it very helpful or directly related to the first week of meals. They also don’t give you the next week’s menu until a couple days prior which is sort of short notice for those of us who need to plan our grocery shopping trips further ahead. Read the rest of this entry »

It’s baaaaaaaack! Yes indeed, folks, the 21-Day Vegan Kickstart is making its third foray into the refrigerators and lifestyles of anyone interested in improving their health, helping our environment AND fellow sentient beings. As some of you may know, on April 11th I will have been a vegetarian for 17 years! For me it’s ALWAYS been an animal rights issue, and once I finally made the decision to become vegetarian I have not looked back or even ONCE missed being a meat-eater.  There are SO MANY delicious and healthy alternatives, never mind the fact I could never, ever, EVER again bite into something that had once been living. Read the rest of this entry »

Fred Phelps is an ass.  A hateful, vile, waste of space.  There, that’s as angry as I’ll be getting…hopefully.  Fred Phelps and his Westboro Baptist Church lunatics (mostly relatives of his) are planning on coming to San Diego within the week to spew forth their despicable ramblings, and thankfully San Diego folks are not going to let it take place without responding.  Mind you, PEACEFUL responses, without engaging these imbeciles who have the audacity to even protest at funerals of military men and women.   (Yes, I will be practicing restraint.  Practice, practice, practice…) Read the rest of this entry »

capitalismLeave it to Michael Moore to figure out  a way to lend a helping hand, albeit one he admits really “ain’t much when what you really need is a job or a place to live”, by getting movie theaters in some of the nation’s hardest hit cities to offer a free screening of “Capitalism” tonight.  Here’s the email Michael sent out this morning, with lists of free screenings AND benefit screenings included.  Can’t wait to see the movie soon! Read the rest of this entry »

I should be talking about the disgusting exhibition put forth this past weekend in DC by individuals I am ASHAMED to know are my fellow citizens, but I won’t.  I ought to be pointing out the blatant lies being spread about what’s in Obama’s health care plan (coverage for illegal aliens, death panels, etc.), but I won’t.  I am tempted to join in the talk of the utter lack of civility by the likes of Joe Wilson, Kanye West, and yes, even Serena Williams, but I won’t. Read the rest of this entry »

It’s a blog I would post my thoughts on, right?  A place I’d come to vent, to be silly, to talk about music I was addicted to, to share movies to see or skip…yup, I remember it.  I do have a confession to make.  Twitter might have come between us.  Trust me folks, I NEVER thought that crazy “tweeting” thing would be something I’d do, but alas, my political being has been poked, prodded, enlightened and enraged via Twitter, and I’m afraid a lot of what I’d come over here to post ended up in 140 characters or less on Twitter.

SoCal sunset 9-10-09

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Chargers 50thYup, it’s that time of year again: CHARGERS time!  Seems like it’s been much longer than a few months since delving back into the blue and gold, but all that matters now is that it’s training camp time, with the official season just around the corner.  Woo-hoo!  Larry English’s contract was signed Saturday morning, just in time for him to then get the “newbie” treatment from veterans later at his first training camp practice,  Shawne Merriman is working his mohawk and ready to play, and early camp word is that things are looking VERY good all around.  Anxious, anxious, anxious for this season to get under way, and would LOVE to have Chargers talks with the City of Oceanside come to fruition, but I’ve seen far too many ventures at the old Valley Drive-In site fall through over the years.  Fingers crossed, though! Read the rest of this entry »

San Diego Prides Activism for Equality float
San Diego Pride’s “Activism for Equality” float

Went to my first San Diego Pride parade yesterday and had a great time.  Yes, I admit I went to not only show my support as a straight ally, but to hopefully ogle some hot guys with my buddy Gordon. (Hey, at least I’m honest!) Read the rest of this entry »

Walter CronkiteThis is one of those times where something so moves me (yes, tears in my eyes) that I head right over here and put forth my thoughts, not really caring if they make sense to anyone else, if there are typos, or what others think, but just feeling the intense need to put them out there. Read the rest of this entry »

From The Center

In Memory of Seaman August Provost

Last week a 29 year-old gay, African-American servicemember, Seaman August Provost, was brutally murdered at Camp Pendleton. Read the rest of this entry »


My Canadian buddy, blogger extraordinaire, funny gal, mom to the adorable Wilbur, and ‘looks good all the time which really annoys’ gal, Joy, and her friend Janet, have created a  design eye candy blog *moggit , to tackle (in their own words) “fugly design and home decor”.  Read the rest of this entry »

Meant to post about this earlier, but I never seem to get over here as much as I should.  Bad me, bad me.

San Diego Pride created the Equality Torch Relay to help raise awareness of the equality cause by bringing together all areas of the San Diego region.  The relay will simultaneously take place in the north county and the inland area, and from the south bay to the east county, with all torch bearers converging this evening at the San Diego County Administration Building for a 6PM rally, which everyone is invited to attend.

San Diego Pride "Equality Torch Relay" stop in Oceanside, CA

San Diego Pride "Equality Torch Relay" stop in Oceanside, CA

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Koko Taylor

The incomparable “Queen of the Blues”, Koko Taylor, has passed today due to complications from a recent surgery to correct a gastrointestinal bleed, according to her website.  Any lover of the blues, such as myself, is most definitely suffering a serious case of the blues upon hearing this terribly sad news. If you do not have Koko in your musical library, do yourself a favor and include some, if not all, of her recordings.  This is a voice, and woman, who cannot be replaced and will most definitely be missed.  RIP Koko Taylor 1928-2009. Read the rest of this entry »

Here’s an extremely inspiring video of various religious, labor, and civil rights  leaders (including Eric Lee of SCLC) as well as those who worked so hard to put the powerful “Meet In the Middle 4 Equality” march and rally together (Robin McGehee) yesterday.  This video is from just prior to the 14 mile march from Selma, CA to the MITM4E rally in Fresno, CA.  Big thanks to Unite the Fight for these videos, as well as getting the live feed of the rally on ustream. Read the rest of this entry »

Sniffin’ out the info


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